About Talend

Talend Open Studio operates as a code generator allowing data transformation scripts and underlying programs to be generated either in Java (OR) Perl. Its GUI is made of a metadata repository and a graphical designer. The metadata repository contains the definitions and configuration for each job. The information in the metadata repository is used by all of the components of Talend Open Studio.

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How to Optimize tuniqueRow Component in Talend

Java heap space error at tUniqRow in Talend

  • To Optimise this component ,Try  to get the unique records by using min number columns in uniq condition.
  • var-char(max) ,text data type columns in unique condition will decrease the performance of the component If you are using tuniqrow component with huge data we may get java heap space Exception. 
    (By storing the data on disk while getting unique record from huge data)
    Below are the steps to resolve the issue.  
    • Click on tunique
    • Go to component window
    • Select you unique condition columns
    • Go to Advanced Settings
    • Click on Use of Disk Option
    • Then select Directory For temp files. (This Directory Structure must be already available in the System. If it is not available the it wouldn't create any directory. This will give you Error  )
    •  Then Execute the jobBut this will be slow with compared to the speed of the job with out Use of Disk Option for small amount of data. 

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